Material Safety Data Sheets - MSDS's Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS's) must be kept on the premises where chemicals are stored and used. The MSDS's are freely available for use by customers and agents of Independent Photographic Supplies Pty Ltd (T/as iphoto) for the use they were designed and intended, but are Copyright protected and not able to be reproduced for any other purposes than those stated here. They must be made readily available to all persons concerned with the CPAC Photo Chemistry. These may include transport operators, store persons, workers, machine operators, retail staff, store managers, building owners and managers, emergency services, and government or industry inspectors. Independent Photographic Supplies Pty Ltd (T/as iphoto) and its Chemical Consultants
have verified that all MSDS's shown on this website are accurate and conform to Australian regulations.
Please read all labels carefully before using product. This MSDS copyright © Kilford & Kilford Pty Ltd, September, 2003. Phone (02) 9251 4532 For any further details please call Independent Photographic Supplies Pty Ltd on Ph/ Fax: 02 9875 2244 |